Book a 60 minute Card Counting Zoom Training Session
with Steven Bridges

"As a man who not only knows how to play the game inside and out BUT ALSO how to coach and train others, I can give no higher recommendation than to hire [Steven]… and do it now before he realises that the hourly rate he’s charging is ridiculously, ludicrously too cheap for the value he provides."

Pro Card Counter

Book a 60 minute Zoom training session with me where we can train and/or test out your game to see if you're casino ready.

(To book a consultancy session instead, use this link)

Training sessions have a multi-camera set up, giving you a clear shot of the table, cards, and discard tray.  

During the session, I'll provide personalised drills and advice tailored specifically to help you improve your game. 


Everyone is different, so getting tailored drills to help you fix the specific elements you struggle with will accelerate your training. 


Once you've booked a call, you'll be taken to a page to select a date and time.  In the event that none of those times work for you (hasn't happened yet, but there's a first time for everything), you can email me and we'll work something out. 

Who is this for? And who is it not for?


In my opinion, even if you're a full time pro, it's essential to train regularly. Flaws in your game can develop, and if you don't keep training, you are likely to make mistakes at the table. And mistakes are pricey. 

Does that mean you need to book a training call? No. 

If you have a good training routine at home, and you're happy it's ticking all the boxes, then booking a training call may not be necessary at all. 

I will say though, I do a lot of these calls. 

Most people I train are professional players, not beginners, and I have yet to train anyone that hasn't made at least one mistake during a training session. 

And usually, they are the kind of mistakes that are difficult to spot when you are training solo.  But the same things come up time and time again. 

As a result, I have developed a bunch of brain-breaking, but damn effective, training drills that will help you if you're making one of these routine mistakes. 


For beginners, training can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. 

Finding and fixing bad habits early will make your game stronger.

And there really is no comparison to being dealt to. The set-up I have over zoom is the next best thing to being dealt to in person. It beats software. And it beats dealing to yourself. 

I will say training is best for beginners who are at the stage where they've got a grasp of basic strategy and can keep the running count while playing. If you have not yet started to work on the running count, it's a little too early for training. 

To book a call, use the form below: 

  • Total payment
  • 1xCard Counting Training$195

All prices in USD

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

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"Steven immediately found some gaps in my strategy, giving me valuable, constructive feedback on where I needed to improve. 

He also acknowledged the areas where I was excelling, which gave me confidence in my progress. 

The session with Steven was incredibly insightful, and I came away with a much better understanding of what I need to work on. 

If you're serious about refining your card counting skills, I highly recommend working with Steven Bridges. You won’t regret it."

Card Counter in training

"I don’t know what stage you are in your blackjack career as you read this, but the fact you’re considering consultancy means 2 things:

 1. You recognise that your game is not perfect (or not as good as it should be) 

 2. (And this is even more important) You know you want to make those improvements, but aren’t sure what’s the best route for you. 

 You most likely have seen enough of Steven’s videos to know that he’s a world-class professional blackjack player and has all of the skills necessary to play at that level. 

 What you might not be sure of is his aptitude as a coach (plenty of people are good at a skill, but teaching it is another story), or maybe you are unsure if this is right for you.


I can’t tell you what’s best for you, but hearing my story might help you make that decision.

My story is that I spent the first 3 months of 2022 training hard; at least an hour (usually 2!) every day. I paused my training during May, June and July due to other commitments and then jumped back in twice as hard in August. By early September, I felt ready and arranged a test out with Steven for the middle of that month.

That first test-out was a humbling experience: I was nowhere near the standard I needed to be, and I had several large holes in my game. We don’t use the terms ‘pass’ and ‘fail’ in BJ test-outs (as the standard required is so high, you could ‘fail’ but still have a good game), we say ‘ready’ or ‘not ready’… Well, let’s just say that I quickly realised that I wasn’t ready.

Very ‘not ready’, in fact’!

I’d put a great deal of pressure on myself and I expected to pass first time, so my pride stung badly and I felt really embarrassed.

In the way that only the very best coaches and mentors understand, Steven recognised that I was disappointed in my own performance and gave me exactly the right advice that I needed (in a pragmatic, logical sense)… but also delivered that in exactly the right manner that I also needed (in a supportive, encouraging and positive way).

He suggested several highly valuable practical drills and methods to overcome the weak areas in my game, and also reinforced my self-belief by acknowledging that I’d clearly put a lot of time and effort in, and that I just needed to keep up that focused and targeted practise.

Over the next few months, I dug down, practised hard and resolved to fix these weak errors. Early in the next year I felt ready to try again and booked a second test-out.

Throughout the first two shoes, I was perfect. My basic strategy, deviations, deck estimation and running count was 100% spot on and Steven commented that the difference in my game was night and day.

As I was nearing the end of the third shoe, I thought I was home and dry… which of course was the time that I went off on the running count by two. 

So close to being ‘ready’… in fact, as close as is possible, but still technically ‘Not Ready’. I was gutted: I’d tried so hard and really thought this time I’d pass.

Steven recognised how I was feeling and allowed me the time to express that and get it all out of my system, then we talked though what I thought had happened.

We broke it down and I realised that at the time, the running count had been extremely negative… so much so that I had experienced very little practise at such an unusual point.

My brain had temporarily flipped and counted a single card the wrong way, putting me off by two.

Steven helped me to see the positive side here: firstly, my game was vastly improved and secondly I’d uncovered another well-hidden hole that I could now fix.

I might not have achieved the ‘ready’ stamp of approval that I’d hoped for, but I now had a route to getting there through the additional advice and tips that he gave me on this occasion.

On top of this feedback, Steven has also given me a wealth of information regarding the differences between playing in the US (which most BJ training materials cover extensively) and in our mutual home, the U.K. (where casinos have very different rules, policies and processes).

He’s also helped me in all manner of ways, too many to mention but suffice to say that my game is several leagues higher than it was prior.

I’m very happy to say that I have since received the coveted ‘ready’ status in a final test-out with Steven (this one was played using the North American rules rather than British ones as I am planning a card counting trip to the US in the near future) and am deeply grateful for all the support, guidance, coaching and feedback he’s given me.

As a man who not only knows how to play the game inside and out BUT ALSO how to coach and train others, I can give no higher recommendation than to hire him… and do it now before he realises that the hourly rate he’s charging is ridiculously, ludicrously too cheap for the value he provides.

TL:DR version - What are you waiting for? DO IT!"

Pro Card Counter